One of my wonderful little Elecraft KX1 radios needs a little love. The AF Gain potentiometer is no longer smooth, but drags over certain portions of its range of travel. The RF Gain potentiometer also feels a little rough and its effect on gain is limited to the last 20 percent of its travel. I also discovered that one of the faceplate screws was sheared below the faceplate. So a few repairs are needed.
So I ordered some parts and have been consulting the Elecraft KX Reflector for advice on how to proceed. It seems I might need to peak the receiver section of the radio as well as replace the pots.
I pulled the radio apart yesterday to start work and found that the desoldering pump does not work on the potentiometer pins. So I ordered some desoldering braid (a wick) and will pick up the work later this week.
I have another of these small radios in my inventory that is a three-bander (20m, 30m, and 40m). I bought the four-band module for it and will pull the 30m module and replace it with a 30m/80m module. Then I’ll have a second four-band KX1 in my inventory.
These are Morse Code only (CW Mode) radios. They will receive CW Mode and SSB (both LSB and USB) very nicely, but only transmit in CW Mode. That means one needs to know Morse Code to transmit with the radio.
So I have been learning Morse Code. My copy speed is between 8 and 10 words per minute at this time. I’m continuing to work on my copy speed to get to the point where I can operate well. I’m still several months out. But I am learning.