Saturday morning, the Girl and I rose really early to get a headstart on the day. I wanted to hike the northern part of the Prison Hill range, get some good exercise, and find a few geocaches. We were at the parking area before sunrise. (N.B. One used to be able to drive some of these trails — a year ago — but now the area is fenced off.) I donned my pack, initialized the GPSr, and we were off.
We humped it up the north end of the hills and were greeted with a wonderful view and wonderful light. I stopped for a few minutes to make a few captures. Then we were off again.
The initial climb was moderately challenging. But once up on the high ground, the trails were not bad at all. We hiked about halfway down the range before turning east to get the trail on the east slope and find a couple more geocaches.
By the time we got back to the rig, we were both done. I was ready for food, coffee, and a break. The Girl laid in the shade by the rig and waited for me to provide water. She settled with paws on both sides of her bowl, reclining while she drank her water. Then she was up in the rig and we were off to Grandma Hattie’s for breakfast.
It was a great morning. I’m stiff, which is also good. We also found a few geocaches to add to my list. Saturday was a good day.