The hike last Sunday remains memorable. Although the wind was brutal in the saddle between Prison Hill and Stegosaurus Ridge, once out of the wind the day was very pleasant. The hike down was both easier and more difficult, of course. Easier in the sense that I was not climbing; more difficult on the tendons that pass the knee to connect the quadriceps to the bones. After a few hundred steps, those tendons complained a bit. But it was good because I am uninjured but the system was stressed. Stress causes adaptation, in muscles and connective tissue.
I’ll process and post a couple of captures of the dead truck from the trip up sometime. Maybe I’ll do it tomorrow. But, the one that captured my eye this morning was the view of the Dead Truck I saw on the way down the hill. The bed is full of sediment from the canyon. The light was not bad, too.
The hike will remain memorable to me. I had a great day and a great hike.
Only one dead truck?
It was the only one I saw. I do expect, however, based on the trail activity I noticed farther up in the canyon, that there have been other dead trucks, jeeps, and other vehicles in this canyon. The old hulk is the only one left behind, however.