In my goal of making one decent image (I can’t say good or I’ll paralyze myself) each day for my Project 365 goal, I will have days when I either come up short or just don’t make a capture. With a smartphone this should not be the case, but I still have days when I’m distracted by so many other things I just don’t think about it.
So, I’ll miss a few days because I either didn’t stop whatever I was doing to find something worth photographing and making the capture or I come up with nothing I’m willing to post.
Yesterday was one of those days, I think. I was busy most of the morning working on my report. When I finished that, I made a little lunch. I really wanted to be outdoors, walking or moving around, but the weather was just not very cooperative. It was cool and rainy most of the day. Yes, I know, whining… excuses… unacceptable.
But, the Girl came through for me in the evening. She was snoozy and cuddly. When I stepped to the bed to spend some time with her, she yawned and began a light pant. It’s the pant she does when she’s a little warm, but not really too hot. I love that look, so I grabbed my camera and made a couple of shots. I got one decent capture that presents some of her endearing personality.