The night before last was a blustery fall night. It rained off and on as the westerly winds blew moisture over the Carson Range and into the valleys east of the Sierra Nevada. The fan in my room’s HVAC unit mitigated the normal affect wind might have on my sleep — restless — which was good. So I slept fairly well even with the wind and rain.
When we left the room, there was a bit of sun for a cool fall morning. So we walked over to the old orphanage, interacted with some friends and acquaintances, and played with the ball a bit. We then returned to the room so I could feed us and take care of my Saturday-morning chores.
But I soon became restless. I wanted some outside time, even if the wind was up. So the Girl and I headed out to Silver Saddle Ranch for a walk and a look at the Carson River. We took a slightly different route than recently to add a little variety. But ultimately if one wants to walk to the Mexican Dam, there is the Mexican Ditch maintenance road to walk. The slope west from the ditch to a little rough to walk.
It can be done and we’ve done it, but the footing is treacherous in places and it’s not worth the risk of a serious spill. So I walk the road.
The wind did not yet take the leaves. Some of the old cottonwoods still cling to their green as well. They will be the holdouts, waiting until the last moment to shed for the winter. For me, that means a few more days of fall color opportunity before the winter colors arrive. I’m carrying my compact camera in-hand more and need to download those images for processing.
I could hear the Carson River flow over Mexican Dam before we reached the site. Even with the white noise of wind in the trees I could hear the water’s pitch. Glimpses of white air entrainment were visible through gaps in the trees as we approached.
Sure enough, more flow is crossing Mexican Dam. It isn’t a lot more, but it’s noticeable and I suspect measurable. There was enough rain in the watershed to boost the discharge slightly.
The Girl and I walked out onto the weir. She tried to drink and managed a few sips before a whitecap smacked her nose, causing her to jump back. Nonplussed, she tried a couple more times as we puttered along the west bank of the river. There’s plenty of dry driftwood for me to make a fire if I need to. I realize that I should carry my folding saw in my pack as well as the tiny saw on my multitool. “Two is one and one is none…” If I needed to make a small fire, I’d better have some additional tools in the kit.
I have a tarp (cover) and cordage for my pack as well. I think I’ll spend a little time this week to assemble those items and get them into my pack. They should be part of my EDC system anyway.
We turned away to walk back to the rig and return home. Clouds darkened the western sky as the continued winds blew more energy and moisture over the Carson Range. I knew we’d see more rain that afternoon. Even if it was only a couple of miles back to the rig, those could be pretty miserable miles in the wet without cover.
I’m so thankful that I can get out like this. I love being outside, walking, listening to the world about me. The Girl adds a unique element to the experience with her completely different perception of the world. Sharing that with her is good and I’ve grown because of it.
Back at our room, tired and ready for food, I cleaned up while the Girl napped. Her breathing and soft energy was too tempting and so I rolled up in my blanket next to her for a nap and a snuggle. There is something about having another living being in my life that expands my perception. That we share much experience from our totally different perspectives fascinates and astounds me.
Sure enough, I woke to a blustery light rain. That’s typical fall weather in western Nevada. There will be snow in the mountains and that’s a good thing for it is water for next year. Soon we’ll have colder days and harder light. With another layer of clothing and perhaps a jacket for the Girl, we’ll be good to go and be out and about on cold winter mornings, enjoying life outdoors.
I’m thankful. Life is good…