It has been a few weeks since my last post. There is a back story here, but this is not the place to put it.
- Years ago I used a Finder replacement called Pathfinder. At the time I was writing for an e-zine that I have forgotten the name of. The editor reminded me that Finder has a lot of potential that I was not using. So I stopped using Pathfinder and used Finder for a number of years. I recently started looking for a Mac version of 7-Zip and remembered Pathfinder.
- I purchased a new 14-inch MacBook Pro a few weeks ago. I completely spaced the need to carefull move my music directories. This is direction on how to do that safely.
- Given that I have (had) a split Music library, I am now in the process of converting it to a portable Music library. I decided a couple of years ago to keep my media files on a separate, external drive. I have too much media. This will help solve my problem.
- I am going to have the same problem with my photographs as well. All of my images (and there are a lot of them) reside on an external drive. I expect to pick up the Lightroom thread again soon and that will mean library management.
- I am looking into using QGIS instead of ArcMap or whatever they are calling it now. I am reviewing this comparison of the two as I move forward with the decision-making process.
- Hitch and Timber is a new find. They make high quality bags and pouches for EDC.
- Clip-n-Carry makes sheaths for multitools and other gear. I have one of their sheaths for my Leatherman Wave+ that I carried for several years. Now that I have the new Leatherman ARC, I asked if they were going to make a sheath for it. The answer from Avi was “Yes!” so I have one on order. They make good stuff.
- I find myself enjoying well-made things. I recently rediscovered waxed canvas and now have several bags (for cameras and computers) made of the materials. I recently discovered Alpaka Gear, who make bags. I will probably end of with one (or more) to carry gear.
- I have had a CalDigit dock on my desk for my old iMac forever. Now that the iMac is retired and I have a new MacBook Pro, it is time to upgrade my dock as well.