I see that I never finished my story. Saturday morning I rose about sunup, or a little after. There was a large hill to the east that made it seem like daylight was later than it was. I made a coffee and sat down at my table. I turned on the little C.C. Crane radio and listened to the NOAA Weather Radio station that is on Virginia Peak. The Saturday weather looked OK, but the winds were to pick up Sunday with more early winter incoming.
I noticed my buddy sitting in the morning sun, so I took The Girl and my coffee over to sit and visit.
I spent a good part of my day Saturday and Sunday morning visiting with my friends. The Girl and I got out for a walk and I made a few images. I worked a DX station in CW Mode with 15w from the little KX3. I chased a few POTA and SOTA activators doing their thing.
And I read. I finished A Cold Dish Sunday evening and returned to Abaddon’s Gate (part of The Expanse cycle). I listened to weather radio. I saw my friends off to their home Sunday afternoon.
The Sunday afternoon winds buffeted the camper a bit. But it was not bad with the stabilizers down. It showered off and on all of Sunday night into Monday morning. There was enough wind to blow a bit of rain into the camper, but not much. It was also enough the wet the silt at the ground surface just enough to make me drag mud into my camper when I broke camp Monday morning.
Nonetheless, it was a good weekend and a good chance to camp a little. I did not miss the Internet and enjoyed reading my book, hiking with The Girl, and making a few images.
The drive home Monday was relatively uneventful until I discovered that my trailer brakelights were not working. The brakes worked fine; just the lights did not. Nothing I did rectified the problem.
So, I have some work to do on the camper before I take it out again.
Nonetheless, it was a good weekend. I am grateful. Life is good.