After what seems like forever, my weblog is again operational. At least, it appears to be and to be without the hack I discovered over a year ago.
After such a long time without writing here on a regular basis, I’m not sure what to do with my space. I still have 11 years of archives in another CMS to parse and do something with. I intended to bring those bits into this CMS, but now I’m not so sure.
There are more tales to tell, that is certain. There is a lot of history over the last year and change as well. I have thousands of new images. I have thousands of words.
But, I think I’ll go in a different direction, at least for awhile. I think that instead of an online, public diary, I’ll use this space to write about music, photography, engineering (at least hydrology), and education. My theme will remain random ruminations, but the topics will be a little less personal and a little more technical. I guess we’ll see.
Welcome Back. I need retail therapy 😉
Well, thanks! Retail therapy can work, but I’m minding my pennies for now. It’s a long story and I have yet to write about it. Maybe I will.
Yes, I’m in austerity mode as well, though I am saving some pennies towards a new Cold Steel.