Last Friday I had a service appointment for the 4Runner. When Older Son and I left the apartment together, he to walk me to the rig and head for work and me to head for the appointment, we discovered that someone had knocked out the driver’s side window with a rock. Older Son called the Denver police and I called my insurance company.
As I made arrangements to have the window replaced, I looked through the rig to determine what might be missing. A $600 radar detector was still in its mount. Nothing was taken from the center console. The back seemed to be intact. The best I can tell, the thieves took only a handful of pennies, nickels, and dimes from the bin in the center console. There were no quarters in that bin because I hold them for laundry.
Of course, I could not get the window replaced until this week (tomorrow, precisely). Therefore, I needed a secure place to stow my rig until the glass could be replaced. After clearing the glass from the seats, I headed for the Toyota House to have the service completed.
When I got there, Matt took my key to check my vehicle in. “I’ll tell you about what else I need when you get done.”
“You mean, like this busted window?”
So, Matt checked on availability of a glass from Toyota. There was not a replacement in the country. But, when I asked, he agreed to hold my vehicle for me until I can get the window replaced. So, although I do not have a vehicle, at least it’s secure. The window will be replaced tomorrow. Soon I’ll head out. I’m ready to be out of the city for awhile.