Here is another capture from a couple of days ago. I really like the rendering of the HP-5 film simulation. Shot with Fuji X-T5 and the Fujinon 60mm f/2.4 Macro lens.
Category: photography
Slide Mountain
The Girl and I got out of the house about noon yesterday. I worked/puttered much of the morning, never really wanting to make breakfast. Then I decided I needed biscuits and gravy. So I took care of her needs and we headed over to The Red Hut so I could have The Usual (biscuits & gravy and eggs).
We then headed out to Silver Saddle Ranch for a hike. The sky was partly cloudy and I liked the contrast of sky and clouds. I noticed some clouds crawling over the Sierra Ridge and how they hung on Slide Mountain. There was also a bit of snow from the last storm. So, I paused to make a couple of captures.
I like this one. The blob of shadow catches the eye.
The Girl is managing her energy, but just barely. Once she gets through the surgery, it will become more difficult for her as she feels better. It will be alright, though. We will manage.
Despite her faults, she is a good companion. I am grateful. Life is good.
A few evenings ago I stopped at Aloha to reprovision my bar. I had a camera with me and made a capture. However, I have been busy and too focused to post much here. That is contrary to my intention of posting something here at least once each week.
I am mostly caught up with work and need to devote some attention to my other activities, including photographic work. So here we are, a post on the last day of 2024.
I suppose the title is also appropriate, a well wish at an ending and a beginning.
I am grateful for another year. Life is good.
Weather is Coming
Yesterday was too warm for the time of year. We just passed the Winter Solstice and the temperature has been in the mid to upper 50F’s. The wind was from the south at ground level, but I noticed a couple of wave clouds forming. Weather is coming. I pray for the holiday travelers who will be crossing the Sierra Crest today and tomorrow. There will probably be wind and maybe even enough snow to make travel treacherous for the inattentive.
The Girl and I walked our route at Silver Saddle Ranch. Even with a bum knee, she needs exercise to manage her energy and keep her muscle mass. A couple of times she wanted to zoomie, but I restrained that. She does not need to put that kind of stress on her knee, as much as watching her run would give me joy.
So, she is confined to her harness. It gives me a lot more control than the collar and permits me to assist her getting in and out of the rig.
As we walked, the Sun broke through a gap in the clouds for a few minutes, giving me this image of Mount Scott. I expect it will have more snow over the next couple-three weeks. That will give some variety to my captures, I think. It will be fun.
I decided to keep the little Fujifilm X-E2. It is a tiny camera that has an EVF as well as the LCD screen on the back of the body. The screen does not pivot, but that is OK by me. The camera produces nice images and pairs very well with the little f/2 Fujinon prime lenses, to which the Fujinon 35mm f/2 belongs.
I made a small kit that fits into a Domke F6 bag. I was using that bag for the Sony A7iii, but found it to be a little too small. So I moved the Sony to a Domke F2 bag that can carry some of my vintage glass. I think both kits will work fine.
We headed home after our walk, she limping a bit. I know her knee hurts. I hate this for her and it makes my heart hurt. We will get it fixed soon and then start the recovery phase.
I am grateful for many things, but certainly for The Girl. Life is good.
Silver Saddle Gate
Christmas approaches quickly. I suppose I am ready, but not in any specific sense.
While walking The Girl out at Silver Saddle Ranch Sunday afternoon, I noticed this old gate again. It has been a subject several times over the last couple of years.
On this outing, I particularly enjoyed the afternoon light falling on this gate. We are in the winter season so the sun angle is much lower than in the summer. I made the capture and The Girl and I moved on toward the last part of our hike.
In the end, it was a good day. It is a good day. I am grateful and life is good.
River Road
A couple of days ago I carried the Sony A7iii and a new-to-me Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 manual focus lens. I seem to be using and writing about a lot of Nikon F-mount lenses of late. The Sony A7iii is getting a lot of work as well. My other cameras are languishing.
Beginning a New Week
Sunday is the first day of the week. Perhaps it should be called Sonday or maybe Son-day in honor of the Savior who rose on the third day. I have thought that for a long time and it bubbled up from my memory as I began to write.
Last week was too busy. This week might be the same. This is not a complaint, but an observation and simply part of the consultant’s life. Deadlines occur and I do my best to make them.
But, that kind of busy-ness leaves little time and energy for reflection, photography, or radio. I do set aside a few minutes in the morning to write in my paper journal, plan the day, and pray a little before the day goes out of control.
The holidays and the end of the year are soon upon us. I hope to take some time this year to reflect on and process the year behind and think about the year ahead. That did not happen last year because I was traveling to see my loved ones and dealing with a broken camper. I should not have a broken camper to deal with this year and I pray nothing else happens.
Aside: I heard my neighbors last night about 0230h. It sounded like there were tearing up the house, but probably they were just moving things around. There was nothing to indicate a domestic problem. But then I heard the sound of a woman screaming and it sounded outside. At first I thought it might be a television, but then Sera started barking. That got me up to investigate, but I heard nothing more and could not get a direction.
There were a couple of days last week when I did not even carry a camera. I needed to get The Girl (and myself) out for some exercise. I needed to just get it done. I could not afford the time to dawdle along at my usual pace. So I left my camera at home and thought that if something interesting was presented I could always just use my phone.
But one day I carried the Sony A7iii and a Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 that is in my inventory. I saw the frame above and decided to make a capture. I thought that the sign was the interest, so I placed myself such that I could isolate the sign from the background and then made the capture. I kept the aperture open so as to place the background out of focus.
Then I noticed that the dog-waste dispenser and waste bin were both in the focus plane. I like that.
The image is not portfolio grade, but tells an interesting story. At least, it does for me.
Now I think I need to get on with my day. The Girl will want a walk, even if she is limping a bit. I think she over did it Saturday.
I am grateful. Life is good.
All the Leaves are Brown…
Monday on walkies the wind was blowing and it felt rather cold, although the temperature was mild and the Sun was shining. The combination of wind and colder nights means that most of the fall color is gone. The old cottonwoods have given up their summer and fall colors and taken on their winter look.
The Girl and I had a good hike out at Silver Saddle Ranch, even if the wind was blowing in my face part of the trip. She darted about hunting for lizards (now hibernating) or rodents (there are a few) with her intent, happy face. At least the threat of snakes is mitigated.
It was a good day. I came away with an acceptable frame. Life is good.
The Bodine’s sign, shot with the Sony A7iii and a Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 at f/8 or so. No post processing was done.
Sera Over Shoulder Look
The new-to-me Sony A7iii arrived today. There’s plenty of battery to take with me camping, so I will. But I paused for a quick grab shot and The Girl was looking at me. The message is: “What are you doing? I want to go walk!” (Laughing out loud…)
She is bossy.
I am heading out to camp for the weekend. I need to make a quick grocery run and then finish loading the camper. It will be a good weekend.
I am grateful. Life is good.