Sera On Watch

Sera after I put her back in the rig. Shot with Nikon F2as and a Nikkor 35mm f/1.4 on Ilford XP2 with exposure data unrecorded. No post processing was applied.

Five rolls of negatives were returned to me this week. I spent a few minutes looking through them, after reviewing the scans. I came away with a few notes, but need to formalize them.

There are a few good frames in the set. It is probably about my average hit rate. I would like to move that hit rate up, but that is probably another story.

A number of frames were significantly underexposed, both the Pentax 645Nii and the Nikon F2as. These were generally frames that had a lot of sky in them and I think it biased the in-camera meter. I would get a better result if I opened up the aperture a stop or two. (Note taken…)

I missed focus on a few frames. The take away is to be very careful when focusing, particularly the Bronica. I have a bright screen to put in the Bronica and need to get that done before I take it out again. It will help.

I replaced the screen in the Pentax with one that has a split-image/microprism cell in the center of the frame. This is going to improve my ability to focus the camera.

I need a light table and loupe for review of my negatives. I think there is a light table buried in the garage (in a box) somewhere. However, the technology has changed (for the better) since I bought it, so I will buy a new one. The LED lamps are so much better than the micro-fluorescent tubes of my original.

In the meantime, I made the capture with my F2as and a Nikkor 35mm f/1.4, probably using a filter (not recorded) and I did not record the exposure. The film was Ilford XP2. It is a good frame.

We were on the hills between Carson City and Washoe Valley. I have a few more good frames from that outing.

It was a good day. Life is good.

Daily Doggo: On the Hunt

I see this look a lot when we’re on walkies. She really loves to hunt the chipmunks that infest the national forest. Shot with the Sony A7Sii and the CZJ 135mm f/3.5 and exported straight out of camera.

The last few outings I carried the Sony A7Sii with a triplet of Carl Zeiss Jena (CZJ) lenses in m bag — the 35mm f/2.4 Flektogon, the 50mm f/1.8 Pancolar, and the 135mm f/3.5 Sonnar. These are all Zeiss designs copied by the East Germans after WWII.

The build quality of my samples is good, perhaps not up to West German Zeiss builds, but they all cost a fraction of the western glass. I find them very good optically and they produce lovely images with a quality much different than modern glass.

The Girl loves our walks in the national forest. If we do not get out early, I have to watch her carefully because she can overheat even at 7,000ft. The insolation heats her up even if the air temperature is about 80ºF. I always carry water and we take a break mid-hike so she can rest a couple of minutes and drink.

I see this look a lot. This particular fallen tree often harbors chipmunks and I think they tease her.

She is a happy dog. That makes me a happy man. I am grateful and life is good!

Daily Image: South End

I cannot count the number of times I have seen the south end of a northbound dog. Shot with the Sony A7Sii and the CZJ 135mm f/3.5 Sonnar at about f/4.

While hiking in the Sierra yesterday, The Girl was on the lookout for chipmunks. I do not know if Alvin called, but she gave a merry chase.

And what did I get? Well, once again I got the south end of a northbound dog. So, I made the capture.

This frame is basically straight out of camera. The only post processing done was to resize the image and export to JPEG.

It was a good hike. I had a good laugh at The Girl. Life is good.

Sera Drinks

At the turn-around point of our normal summer hike, I pause, remove my pack, and give The Girl a drink. Shot with the Sony A7Sii and the CZJ 35mm f/2.4 Flektogon at about f/8.

Given the hot weather we are experiencing1, we are hiking up above 7,000 ft in the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. I found a place there where there is ample room to park the 4Runner and we can hike off of the Kings Canyon trail up a fire road into the forest. A few other folks hike up that way, but not very many and most days we do not encounter other hikers.

The initial climb-out is steep and this old man is huffing and puffing by the time I complete that climb. The Girl runs out and back encouraging me to hurry up.

The remainder of the hike has a couple of climbs, but more moderate. It is good for me. I like it.

If we get out early enough, she does not overheat. However, if the sun is high, then I watch her. I always have water and a bowl. If she needs water, then we stop and I give her some (and usually take a sip myself).

The turn-around is a bit more than a mile from the rig. I sometimes go a little farther and that adds some elevation. But we always stop where we turn around and I doff the pack and water her.

I am liking this milsurp Molle II Patrol Pack. It is big enough but not too big. I have work to do on organization, but will get to it. I also think I need to trip the stiffener just a little — the pack bends slightly in the middle. I think the stiffener is just a smidge too long.

We were out early today. She did not overheat. But she still wanted, and I gave, water.

I am grateful. Life is good.

1It is very hot for Carson right now. Afternoon temperature is running over 100ºF and it is not cooling off in the evening as is normal.

Daily Doggo: Posing Sera

Sera posed nicely for me Tuesday morning. Shot with the Sony A7Sii and the CZJ 35mm f/2.4 Flektogon at about f/4. No post processing; resize only.

On our way back from the trail’s terminus, we decided to explore a granite outcrop. I wondered if there might be a photograph in the jumble of textures.

Well, there was no joy from the rocks, but Sera posed for me. So I made the capture.

No Service

If you know, you know… Shot with the Contax TVS using Kodak Gold 200. Exposure data unrecorded.

Not long after I arrived here in Missouri, I made my first trip to Bedford Camera & Video in Springfield. I decided to see what the camera store here was like and whether it would be a good place to buy film and have my processing done.

My first experience was positive. I bought some film for my new-to-me Contax TVS point and shoot camera. It is a premium 35mm point and shoot with a Zeiss Vario-Sonnar zoom lens. The zoom range is not large, just two times. But the focal lengths are useful even if the lens is relatively slow.

The clerk loaded the battery for me (a CR123A) and I loaded a roll of Kodak Gold 200. The camera wound the film onto the take-up spool just fine and announced it was ready to go. I added a few more rolls of 35mm film to my order, checked out, and headed back to the rig.

I paused to make an image of the store front and then The Girl and I headed south towards home. I was hungry and decided to stop for a bit.

The first food I came across was the Burger King on South Campbell. I pulled into the lot and walked inside. There I waited at least five minutes without acknowledgement. None of the workers greeted me. None offered to take my order.

I shook my head and walked back to the rig. Clearly they are not interested in my business. I will not be stopping there again.

We drove south a few more blocks and found a Steak & Shake. I have always liked their food, so I parked and walked into the store. I was greeted fairly quickly and then seated. Although it took a few minutes for one of the staffers to take my order, they got it done. My food was delivered hot and was tasty. I really like the fries at Steak & Shake.

I took some with me, along with a bite of my sandwich, and gave them to The Girl. She was expecting a treat, as usual. And, she got one.

I was satisfied with my outing and determined to shoot the roll of film to complete my testing of the new camera.

A few days alter (yesterday), Older Son and I decided to get out of the house and check some of the pawn shops and thrift stores for film cameras. The first pawn shop we stopped at asked “Do they even develop film anymore?”

“Yes, they do.” I responded.

He suggested we visit the Springfield Trading Depot (STD) because all of the pawn brokers are only dealing in digital cameras now. We thanked him and headed out.

STD (yes, that is the acronym) was interesting enough, but there was nothing there I was interested in. It made an interesting photo opportunity anyway. I still need to download and process those images.

I had finished my roll of film, so we headed to Bedford to drop it off for processing, I bought a few rolls of 120 black and white film, and we headed off to pick up DiL. I wanted an early supper and a trip to Bass Pro to replace her collar. The transmitter finally failed after I repaired the rotary control one time. So, it is time to replace it. She sometimes needs it to stay out of trouble. She remains an impulsive Girl.

We took her into Bass Pro (they are dog friendly) and it is such a HUGE place. There were a lot of people there (and quite a few dogs), but she really behaved well and barked at other dogs only a couple of times.

We got what we came for and were looking at the toys when we heard THE SQUEAK. She knew exactly what she wanted.

We played with that for several minutes, all four of us laughing. So we gathered up a couple of new toys for her and headed to the check out line. She was a very excited Girl.

We stopped at a Korean restaurant on the way home for a bibimpap bowl. I had not had one before and it was very good. Win! While there, I received an email that my film had been processed and my scans were ready to download. Win!

We retrieved DiL’s rig and then stopped at Andy’s Frozen Yogurt for a treat and then on home.

Yes, The Girl got a pup-cup.

When I got home, I downloaded my scans. I have a couple of keepers in the lot. That is not bad.

It was a good day. Life is good.

Daily Doggo: 17 January 2024

The Girl waiting patiently for whatever it was she wanted. Shot with the Fujifilm X-T5 and the Fujinon 35m f/1.4 at about f/2.8.

The Girl posed for me yesterday morning. She wandered into my workroom and asked for some attention. Then laid down in the hall. It was too much to resist.

So, I grabbed the Fujifilm X-T5 from its bag and sat down on the floor with her. She gave me a couple of good frames before I returned to work.

She wanted to go walk. It about about 0F outside. That is just too cold for her. I do not have enough gear for her for this super cold weather. She does not have enough fur to protect her for more than a few minutes.

Daily Image: 09 January 2024 — Ozark Winter

Winter blew in to Ozark, Missouri this morning. It was cold and snowy, with a lot more winter to come. Shot with the iPhone 13 Pro Max.

There is nothing special about the image. It is a grab shot from the front door of my kids’ place. It was too freakin’ cold to go outside and do something artistic.

It really is not all that cold. It was about 28ºF when I made the image. However, the wind blowing something more than 20mph made it feel a lot colder than it was. So, I made the shot through the storm door.

But there is real cold coming this weekend. It will be 0ºF or below this weekend. I have a bit of work to do on the camper to prepare for that and hope to accomplish that tomorrow. We are supposed to have a little sunshine, so that will make it workable.

I did get the water heater and potable tank drained today. I need to flush the lines with some RV antifreeze before the real cold arrives so nothing breaks. It is easy enough to flush the antifreeze when I am ready to use the camper. Or I can leave it and work from bottles.

The Girl showed a lot of interest in going out today… until we did. Then she noped right back into the house. I did take her on an outing to the Farm and Home store for some tools, but she happily stayed in the rig while I did my shopping. She does not care for the cold and wet.

Daily Doggo: 05 January 2024

Doggo watching it snow and on squirrel watch. Shot with Fujifilm X100V at f/8 with the Tri-X film simulation.

The Girl was wanting to be outside, but I kept her indoors because of the snow and the cold. Nonplussed, she stayed at the door (although perched on a mat) and kept watch for the dreaded bushytail, in case such an incursion occurred.

Daily Doggo: 23 November 2023

Sera sleeping under my worktable. Shot with the Fujifilm X-E2 and XF 27mm f/2.8 at f/4. Black and white conversion in-camera using the Fujifilm film simulation.

It is Thanksgiving Day. I am grateful. I will take some time this afternoon to have a Thanksgiving meal (even if it is a frozen dinner) and reflect on God’s good gifts. Sera and I will get out and get in a nice hike, even if the weather is rather bleak.

I have a new computer working in the background. I started provisioning it yesterday evening. I bought an ASUS ROG Zephyrus G14 to replace my aging Winder$ tower. I am confident it will blow the desktop away. It is sufficiently powerful to run my numerical models.

It will free me from the house when I have paying work to do. I have not traveled much this year because of work. Now I have the power to take my work with me.

This was one of my goals for the year. I also have reduced the number of computers to maintain, which is a lovely by-product of the change.

The image is The Girl sleeping under my worktable. She is snoozing right now, waiting for me to move like we are going to do something. So I think I will go feed her and take my morning medications. Then I can get ready to go out and get in a hike.

Happy Thanksgiving, all. I am grateful. Life is truly good.