Remainders: 20 July 2024

It is summer and even at 7,000ft she gets hot. Shot with Fujifilm X-E4 and Voigtlander 27mm f/2 Ultron at f/4 and SOOC.

Another week, another set of remainders links.

  • David duChemin is an author and photographer I have followed for years. I find his presentations artful and articulate and recommend him.
  • Alain Laboile is a French photographer who has a limited subject — his family. duChemin mentioned him in his webinar last Sunday when responding to someone who asked the question “What if you cannot travel except with your family/to see family?”. David’s response was to look at the work of Laboile. I have to find one or more of Laboile’s books.
  • I do not remember if I posted this, but Covert Instruments is the outlet for the Lock Picking Lawyer. The ability to pick a lock is not about criminal activity so much as it is a preparedness skill.
  • You might remember John Schneider from Dukes of Hazard. He is still busy.
  • This ham (no call sign) describes using a Get-A-Grip large suction cup to mount a Chameleon MPAS Micro for portable ops.
  • I am such a sucker for tool rolls.

Remainders: 13 July 2024

Shot with Sony A7Sii using a CZJ 135mm f/3.5, f-stop unrecorded.

It is impossible to predict where the Interwebs will take me each week. Let’s see where I go this week!

  • ExifTool is an application for editing the EXIF1 data in the header of an image file.
  • jExifToolGUI is a graphical interface for EXITtool.
  • Johnny Mullenax is a fine musician, even if unknown. His band rocks it. See also YouTube channel for music.
  • A member of a local radio club shared a link to Smiley Antennas. I have no idea whether or not they are any good, but I did visit the site.

The header image was shot on walkies. We pass this old stump almost every day. There is no one home.

1EXIF data provide information about the hardware used to create the image. It will contain the camera make and model, lens make and model, exposure data, file format, and so forth.

Remainders 06 July 2024

The area we hike in Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest was burned a few years ago. The forest is recovering, but the evidence of fire remains. Shot with Sony A7Sii and CZJ 35mm f/2.4 Flektogon at f/5.6.

Well, I wonder where the Interwebs will take me this week…

  • I thought that I lost my 6-inch crescent wrench. I found a list of best adjustable wrenches in an article on Popular Mechanics.
  • Given I want to use my drone to capture aerial imagery on my project sites, I need to earn my UAV pilot’s license. This course looks like a good place to start.
  • Training videos for the DJI Mini 4 Pro are here.
  • John Free was an American photographer and teacher. He died earlier this year. But, his work bears review and he left some good words on YouTube.
  • Vertx makes and sells some interesting looking gear.
  • The Eagles remain one of my all-time favorite bands. I never collected their recordings. I have all of them in my HD Tracks shopping cart at the moment. There will be a sale (I hope) this weekend and I will buy them to update my music file.

Remainders: 22 June 2024

Well, I wonder where the Interwebs will take me this week…

Remainders: 15 June 2024

This time of year, we walk at about 7,300 ft near Spooner Summet in the Carson Range of the Sierra Nevada. Shot with Fuji X-E4 and the Fujinon 28mm f/2.8 at f/8, straight out of camera.
  • Gelen Leather Company produces some really nice leather goods. I am such a sucker for journals and journal covers.
  • The Warrior Poet Society has a post on great teachers. It is worth the read.
  • Dove Mounts makes mounts for optics on handguns.

I got lazy this week and did not collect all of my remainders. It was a good week, although busy.

I am grateful. Life is good.

Remainders: 08 June 2024

Sleeping on her bed under my worktable. Capture with Fujifilm X-E4 and the Fufinon 27mm f/2.8 wide open, SOOC.

After a long hiatus, I am posting again. The start will be a partial list of remainders for the week.

  • Caffenol is a film developer that uses coffee and ascorbic acid as the active agents for development.
  • I started looking for a new grill. I want something small, fuel efficient, and good. What I found is the Akorn Jr. Then I found a recipe for cooking burgers on a small Kamado.
  • In looking for an appropriate film developer, this list came up in an Internet search.
  • This is another page that describes application of various film developers, their strengths, and their weaknesses.
  • In one of my Internet rambles, I came across the photographer James Ravilious, a Brit who spent a good part of his life documenting rural life in the British countryside.

Remainders: 30 March 2024

My morning mug from an outing to Rosie Jo’s Cafe in Ozark, Missouri. Shot with the Nikon F2AS on Ilford XP2. Exposure data were not recorded.
  • PotaLog is yet another POTA logging program. This one purports to run on Winder$ and Linux. It is based on the QT library, so it might run on OS X as well.
  • Directions for Bronica exposure adjustment for extension tubes and, more importantly, information about replacing the mirror and focusing screen foam.
  • Much information about the Bronica cameras is at this link.
  • Dan Schneider has some suggestions for those of us who enjoy old cameras and other devices that require mercury cells to operate.
  • I have an old Pentax Spotmeter in my inventory. It uses an odd mercury battery. I think it is the equivalent of three cells in series. The Spotmeter V is a newer version of my old meter. The manual indicates that three G-13 cells are to be used. These are mercury cells. However, the report in the link indicates that the author used three LR44 silver cells. That might indicate that the Pentax meter contains a voltage regulator that will adjust the output from the cells to match the requirements of the metering circuit.
  • An alternative is a Soligor Spot Sensor II. Like all of the Soligor products, it is not as strong as the Pentax offerings (and others), but was good for its price point.
  • I found a link to a Pentax Spotmeter V repair. I was looking for a circuit diagram to see if there is a voltage regulator in system. No joy yet.
  • And for the technically inclined owners of a Soligor Spot Sensor II, there is a calibration procedure if the meter is off.
  • The JS8Call Utilities software looks like an excellent to that ham radio software.
  • A YT content creator (K7SW Radio) posted a short introduction to N4PY software. This is very cool stuff for use with older radios or as a hub for integrating a number of options and/or rig control.
  • Julian, OH8STN, posted an excellent review/setup video on using the Microsoft Surface Go 2/3 tablet computer for field use. The review is recommended.

Remainders: 16 March 2024

After the storm, these mammatus clouds appeared. Shot with iPhone 13 Pro Max.
  • Every now and again, The Atlantic does something journalistic. This article about Radio Station KPH is one of them.
  • To follow up the above, there are more images by Anne Hermes here.
  • Fast Log Entry (FLE) is a quick radio logging program (for Winder$) that is useful for migrating paper logs or as a light weight logger in the field.
  • SidioCrate looks like a better alternative to my Husky bins for camp, radio, and other gear.
  • I want an outside shelter for those times I setup camp for more than a night or two. The Gazelle popups look like a solution.
  • I came across a reference to JS8Mapper Friday. It will map JS8 contacts without the Internet. Hmmm…
  • While thinking about wire antennas for portable operations, my request to the low-power operators mailing list returned a recommendation for Kev-Flex Wire. A good buddy also recommended it. I guess I will buy some and do some testing.

Remainders: 09 March 2024

The brisket was great. The coleslaw and baked beans were good too.
  • N1ET developed and sells a program for the creation of electronic QSL cards. I receive an email with a QSL card now and again, so it might be a useful tool to have. This is particularly true given I can create my own cards for use with the software.
  • The Sasquatch Stomp is coming the end of this month. It is always a fun light contest.
  • If downloading data from The National Map, use the tool uget.
  • Although I am not a prepper in so many ways, I am a believer in being prepared. Part of that preparation for incidents is to have a communications plan. After all, that is one reason I became a radio operator. The Ghost Net concept provides a framework for civilian communications should the primary systems fail.
  • The 110 film format is still alive.
  • The Path of Totality.