Remainders: 16 March 2024

After the storm, these mammatus clouds appeared. Shot with iPhone 13 Pro Max.
  • Every now and again, The Atlantic does something journalistic. This article about Radio Station KPH is one of them.
  • To follow up the above, there are more images by Anne Hermes here.
  • Fast Log Entry (FLE) is a quick radio logging program (for Winder$) that is useful for migrating paper logs or as a light weight logger in the field.
  • SidioCrate looks like a better alternative to my Husky bins for camp, radio, and other gear.
  • I want an outside shelter for those times I setup camp for more than a night or two. The Gazelle popups look like a solution.
  • I came across a reference to JS8Mapper Friday. It will map JS8 contacts without the Internet. Hmmm…
  • While thinking about wire antennas for portable operations, my request to the low-power operators mailing list returned a recommendation for Kev-Flex Wire. A good buddy also recommended it. I guess I will buy some and do some testing.