Remainders: 02 September 2023

While on walkies a few days ago, I captured The Girl announcing to the (doggie) world “Sera was here!” Photograph shot with a Sony A7Sii and a Zuiko 85mm f/2 at f/8 or so.

Another week, another round of links:

  • is just what it says it is.
  • The Kamera Store has a lot of film cameras (and others).
  • David duChemin is a Canadian photographer and teacher. He is good at both.
  • Fujifilm’s digital film simulations changed my way of looking at digital photography. There is a longer entry in this idea (I will get to it), but there is also science behind what some might think is a gimmick. Dave Etchells explains some of the technical background of creating a film simulation.
  • This Vistek video looks into the Fujifilm film simulations in a video (with reference to the above article) and is worth a watch (and a sub).
  • Reggie Balesteros offers his take on a Kodak Portra film simulation for Fuji cameras. (Note: There is also a YT video for this film simulation.)
  • And then Reggie offers an Acros-based (a Fuji film stock) (video) black and white simulation for his documentary photography that is also worth a look at.