After a pretty full day yesterday, I ended up at Garibaldi’s Italian Restaurant front door, waiting for them to open. While I waited, I got out the Sony A7Sii, which was fitted with a Carl Zeiss 50mm f/1.7 Planar lens, and made a few images.
Of the group, I like this one quite a lot. I was facing into the Sun and the clarity of the shot is a testimony to the quality of the lens. There are a few small Sunstars visible.
The Girl is recovering nicely. After spending the morning in the Nevada Emergency Operations Center radio room, we came home, I got a bite to eat, and then we walked a few miles in town. It was warm, but not too hot.
A treat was our encounter with Timber and Lisa. The Girl recognized them and rushed over to engage. She loves her peeps! I had a nice, but short, visit and they were back off to work and we back on our walk.
I did what I said I would do. I even got a bit of work done given there was nothing to do in the radio room. It was a good day. I am grateful.
Life is good.