One-Armed Bandit

A one-armed bandit, found at the Red Hut Diner in Carson City, Nevada. Shot with Fuji X-E2 and Fujinon 35mm f/2 at f/2.8. Black and white from an in-camera conversion to the Fujifilm Acros film simulation.

As I have written many times, Wife used to tell me “You have a different way of looking at the world…” Long ago I bought a new Argus-Cosina 35mm SLR with the usual fast Nifty-Fifty. Carrying that camera, and reading Foothorap’s book, taught me to see. I had little money, but I had time and the little encouragement from the book (and some solid examples). So I taught myself to look.

After a couple of years paying for processing, a friend taught me to develop my film and I had access to the University club darkroom. Film was not too expensive, so I shot a lot of black and white, processed it, and even printed some frames. I rolled a lot of reusable canisters using bulk film and a daylight loader.

Now, 50-yeas later, I am still looking at the world. Like most of us, I always have a camera at hand — my iPhone. Most of the time I have a real camera at hand, likely the Fujifilm X100V but many times the Fujifilm X-T5.

A couple of Saturdays ago I decided to get breakfast (actually brunch) at the Red Hut. I carried the Fujifilm X-E2, a tiny little camera that matches the Fujinon f/2 lenses well to make a small kit. So I made a few images with the little X-E2 while waiting for my food.

One that I liked better than most was this old slot machine. I am confident it was current technology probably 50-years ago. Now it is a relic, but an interesting relic.

Life is good.

At The Red Hut

Linda working the floor. Shot with Fuji X-T5 and a Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 wide open.

A few days ago I was at the Red Hut Diner in south Carson City for breakfast. I had The Usual and it was quite good. This lady is one of my favorite servers ever. She is so outgoing and so fun. She also makes a good image.

It was a good day. I am grateful. Life is good!